Welcome to my newest website, I hope to update it frequently so check back often, about once a week or so should do it..   I hope you are here because you found a Bible, Gospel or, tract with this link on it; that's how this idea works.   You may have just found a card, I wish it was a Bible but the cards and doorhangars are cheaper, I have a stamp that is used on the Bibles, Gospels and tracts and I wish to be able to pass out full Bibles but for now I just give out New Testaments;  I ask for a donation of any amount for them and have yet to get my first one.  It would be nice to have whomever makes a donation acknowledged on this page if they wish or, at least by their initals but, I wish to respect privacy as well.  If you found a tract or card and would like to order a Bible instead, email me and I'll hook you up.

I have a project that I started in Albuquerque New Mexico and hope to have it spread to other cities. The idea is to leave Bibles on buses for folks to take home and read or, leave it on the bus and order one from this website then, make a donation here to continue this project.  I  started with Gospels of John from the Pocket Testament League and I became an affilate of the International Bible Society and getting Gospels and outreach New Testaments there by the case.  I would really appreciate support with this project with either a donation or better yet click on the link below and have Bibles or, Gospels shipped to me. 

  A great source for outreach Bibles is: http://www.shareasale.com/r.cfm?B=41689&U=358281&M=6425

New Testaments are only $1.20 each there are also Gospels of John there for 40 cents each.  Please consider ordering a case for just under $50 and I'll put a sticker with your information on the inside cover; that way you have incentive to donate and use this project for cheap advertizing while still getting God's word into people's hands.  I intend to make up a sticker promoting this project for placement on one of the inside covers but there's room for your advertizing on the other cover.  Bear in mind the Gospels are small booklets 3"X 4 3/4".  The New Testaments are 5 1/8"X 8 1/2"; I'm considering adding a 4 page insert and stapling it to one of the covers.  If your Church or organization already has brochures that will fit in the New Testaments, send me enough of them to add to however many Bibles you have sent to me and I'll staple it inside before handing it out.  I haven't incorporated this project yet so your donation is NOT tax deductible; I may consider incorporation if this really takes off and spreads to other cities as I hope it will but, I'm just doing it on my own for now.  Please have your donation shipped to: Mark McLaughlin

  701 Claudine St. NE
Albuquerque, New Mexico 87123

Then Please email me here to let me know you ordered from the link above and your Gospels/Bibles are on the way; I'll let you know when I get them,  prepare them for distribution according to your instructions and send you a detailed report of how they were distributed


Lookup a word or passage in the Bible

Include this form on your page

 To request a FREE copy of "One Heartbeat Away" by Mark Cahill Click here. 

          www.markcahill.org is also an excellent website to visit

 To see a video presentation of him sharing "One Thing You Can't Do in Heaven"  click this link:  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2VA2b_s6yaI


Please consider sharing your Faith by joining the "Pocket Testament League"
It is FREE and I would appreciate you joining "under" me by going to:
You will recieve 30 Gospels of John FREE to hand out to whomever you wish to.  It's a
great way to share your faith in a very non-threatening way. 



Mark McLaughlin

Come join me in Kaneva a virtual world where we watch a lot of YouTube videos and just chill out; it's FUN!

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